

From “Omnipotent Domination” to “Human Agent”——Re-exploring Frederick Douglass' Views on God
摘要 对上帝权能的认识是解读弗雷德里克·道格拉斯在奴隶制问题上态度变化脉络的关键所在。作为一个相当严肃的循道宗教徒,道格拉斯在战前奴隶制问题上从未否定上帝在神圣领域的全能性。而在世俗领域,由于上帝对自我的权能施加一定的限制,人在奴隶制存废问题上具有了某种行动自由;即使如此,上帝仍以正义的法则和"真理的力量"引导人心的向背,操纵刀剑的威力,决定着历史的发展方向。上帝因此成为"活的上帝"和"被压迫者的上帝",遵循上帝意志、选择正确的自由意志的人们则成为上帝在世间的"人类代理"。 The key to understanding Frederick Douglass' changing views on slavery lies in his standpoints on God's omnipotence. On the issue of antebellum slavery, Douglass, an earnest Methodist, has never renounced his position that God is always omnipotent in the holy sphere. In the secular sphere, however, man has obtained some freedom of action on the issues of defending or abolishing slavery because of God's self- restriction on his own power. Even so, God, by the rule of justice and his "power of truth", still guides the wills of the people, manipulates the might of sword, and decides the route of history. Thus, God becomes the "living God" and "the God of the oppressed", and those who rightly choose to follow his will become the "human agent" in the secular sphere.
作者 高春常
出处 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期58-65,共8页 Journal of Sichuan University:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
基金 山东省社科规划项目"美国黑奴宗教叙事研究"(10CLSZ02) 教育部社科规划项目"美国黑奴叙事研究"(13YJA770009)
关键词 弗雷德里克·道格拉斯 全能统治 人类代理 奴隶制 Frederick Douglass, Omnipotent Domination, human agent, slavery
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  • 1William L.Van Deburg,“Frederick Douglass:Maryland Slave to Religious Liberal,”in Anthony B.Pinn,ed.,By These Hands:A Documentary History of African American Humanism,New York:New York University Press,2001,pp.83-102.
  • 2James B.Hunt,“The Faith Journey of Frederick Douglass,1818-1895,”Christian Scholars Review,Vol.15,No.3,March 1986,pp.228-246.
  • 3Waldo E.Martin,The Mind of Frederick Douglass,Chapel Hill:The University of North Carolina Press,1984,p.ⅸ,175.
  • 4David W.Blight,Frederick Douglasss Civil War:Keeping Faith in Jubilee,Baton Rouge:Louisiana State University Press,1989,pp.8,23,107,120.
  • 5Scott Williamson,The Narrative Life:The Moral and Religious Thought of Frederick Douglass,Macon,GA:Mercer University Press,2002,pp.6,145,3.
  • 6Reginald F.Davis,Frederick Douglass:A Precursor of Liberation Theology,Macon,GA:Mercer University Press,2005,p.123.
  • 7William S.McF eely,Frederick Douglass,New York:W.W.Norton&Co.,1991,pp.37-38,67.
  • 8William L.Andrews,“Frederick Douglass,Preacher,”American Literature,Vol.54,No.4,December 1982,p.592.
  • 9Frederick Douglass,My Bondage and My Freedom,New York:Miller,Orton&Mulligan,1855,p.166.
  • 10Benjamin Quarles,Frederick Douglass,Washington D.C.:Associated Publisher,1948,p.11.








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