
可避免住院:概念和意义 被引量:12

Avoidable Hospitalization: Concept and Implications
摘要 "可避免住院"是指通过及时、有效的初级卫生保健服务可以避免的住院,该概念适用于"院外服务敏感疾病"(ACSCs)。"院外服务敏感疾病住院率"这一医疗的结果类指标在国际上已被广泛地应用于评价地区或人群间的初级卫生保健质量。研究显示,影响该指标因素较多,因此在比较不同地区或人群间的ACSCs住院率时应谨慎,过高的ACSCs住院率往往预示着初级卫生保健服务存在问题。运用分层分析或多变量分析的方法,对比ACSCs住院率的差异有助于发现存在的问题和采取针对性措施。 Avoidable hospitalization is the hospitalization that could have been prevented through the timely and effective uti- lization of primary care. The concept is suitable for ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSCs). The hospitalization rate of ACSCs has been widely used as an indicator of health outcomes to assess the performance of primary care globally. For many factors may affect this indicator, it should be cautious to compare among different areas or populations, and high ACSCs hospitalization rate may indicate that problems exist in the primary care service. By applying stratified analysis or multivariate analysis, the comparison of ACSCs hospitalization rates can help to find problems and take corresponding measures.
出处 《中国卫生质量管理》 2015年第6期18-22,共5页 Chinese Health Quality Management
关键词 可避免住院 院外服务敏感疾病 初级卫生保健 评价 Avoidable Hospitalization Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions Primary Cealth Care Assessment
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