

Construction of Pastoral Utopian Community: An Analysis of Book 6 of The Faerie Queene
摘要 众多评论家强调斯宾塞的作品中田园诗与史诗元素的联系或冲突,尤其是沉思和行动两种生活模式的辩证关系,但却忽略了田园诗的沉思生活中所含蕴的对田园与宫廷关系的深层观照。在史诗《仙后》第六卷的田园诗章中,斯宾塞力图创建以女王的美德为根基的田园共同体。这一由宫廷人士所主导的共同体因其对传统模式的颠覆,而体现出更强烈的虚拟性。他对宫廷生活的"美刺"中"刺"的成分的增加,也表露了对这一田园共同体的隐忧。 Critics focus on the connection or conflict between pastoral and epic elements in Spencer's works,especially the dialectical relationship between the life of contemplation and the life of action; however,they overlook the profound reflection on the relationship between the country and the court implied in the contemplative life of pastoral poems. In the pastoral cantos of Book 6 of The Faerie Queene,Spenser strives to set up a pastoral community based on the queen's virtues. The community dominated by personages of the court shows intense fictitiousness on account of its overthrow of the traditional mode. In his"glorification and criticism"towards the court life,the increase of"criticism"reveals Spenser's worries about the pastoral community.
作者 刘庆松
出处 《西安外国语大学学报》 CSSCI 2015年第4期95-98,共4页 Journal of Xi’an International Studies University
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"文化观念流变中的英国文学典籍研究"(项目编号:12&ZD172)的子课题"文化观念萌芽时期的英国文学典籍研究"的阶段性成果
关键词 田园诗 《仙后》 共同体 美德 pastoral poetry The Faerie Queene community virtue
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