
浅丘平坝紫色水稻土田间施肥指标体系构建 被引量:2

On Establishment of Fertilization Index System on Purple Paddy Soil of Shallow Hill and Flatland
摘要 以水稻为例,应用“3414”试验结果建立浅丘平坝区氮、磷、钾施肥技术指标体系.以缺素区相对产量50%,70%,8O%,9O%和95%为标准将浅丘平坝区紫色水稻土碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾划分为低、中、较高和高4个级;并分别用一元二次和线性加平台模型对不同土壤养分分级范围内施肥量与产量关系进行模拟,计算最佳肥料用量.结果表明,当土壤碱解氮(AN)处于〈1OO,100-130,13o~15o和〉150mg/kg时,氮肥(N)推荐用量分别为150-165,135~150,120-135和0~120kg/hm^2;当有效磷(AP)处于〈3,3~4,4~6和〉6mg/kg时,磷肥(P205)推荐用量分别为9O~105,80-90,45-80和0—45kg/hm^2;当速效钾(AN)处于〈6O,6O~70,7O~9O和〉9Omg/kg时,钾肥(K20)推荐用量分别为75-80,70~75,60~70和0~60kg/hm^2. The study aims to establishing rice fertilization index systems of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium on the soil of shallow hill and flatland by applying 3414 test results.Alkaline hydrolyzable nitrogen,available phosphorus and available potassium in the purple rice soil of deficiency area were divided into four degrees:low,medium,high and very high corresponding to the relative yield 50%,70%,80%,90%and 95%respectively.One basic quadratic equation and the model of liner plus platform have been used to simulator the relationship between the application amount and yield within each soil nutrient degree,the optimum quantity of fertilizer was calculated whereby.The research showed the recommend application amount of nitrogen was 0-120,120-135,135-150 and 150-165kg/hm2 to get soil alkaline hydrolyzable nitrogen(AN)levels of less than 100,100-130,130-150 and more than 150 mg/kg;the recommend phosphorus application(based on P2O5)were 0-45,45-80,80-90 and 90-105kg/hm2 for the soil available phosphorus(AP)levels of less than 3mg·kg-1,3-4,4-6mg·kg-1 and more than 6mg/kg;the amount of 0-60,60-70,70-75 and 75-80kg/hm2 potassium(based on K2O)was applied for the available soil potassium levels of less than 60,60-70,70-90 mg/kg and more than 90 mg/kg,respectively.
出处 《西南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第11期88-93,共6页 Journal of Southwest China Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 浅丘平坝 3414 指标体系 施肥模式 shallow hill and flatland 3414 index system fertilization mode
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