
一种基于FVF的自适应斜坡补偿电路 被引量:2

A New Adaptive Slope Compensation Circuit Based on FVF
摘要 采用SMIC 0.18μm CMOS工艺,设计了一种应用于电流型DC-DC转换器的斜坡补偿电路。基于FVF结构,电路能动态地检测输入和输出电压,并将该电压差转换成电流,产生自适应斜坡电压,不仅提高了DC-DC转换器的补偿精度,还避免了高占空比下的过补偿,提高了系统在高占空比下的带负载能力。仿真结果表明,在5V工作电压下,输出电压工作范围为1~4.5V,即占空比最高可达90%,最大负载可达1A。 An adaptive slope compensation circuit for buck DC-DC converter was presented. It was fabricated in a 0.18 /Lm CMOS process. Based on the flipped voltage follower (FVF), a differential current was generated by detecting the input and output voltages, then this differential current was converted to an adaptive ramp. The proposed circuit could not only improve the compensation accuracy in a buck DC-DC converter, but also eliminate the over compensation to improve the system's load capacity in high duty cycles. The simulation results showed that the converter operated steadily with a maximum load current of 1 A, when output voltage changed from 1V to 4.5 V under 5 V supply voltage, which meant the duty cycle was up to 90 %.
出处 《微电子学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期769-772,共4页 Microelectronics
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(61473322)
关键词 CMOS 斜坡补偿 DC-DC转换器 FVF CMOS Slope compensation DC-DC converter FVF
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