

Survey of occupational hazards and control measures of a copper-nickel ore smelting plant in Xinjiang
摘要 目的调查新疆某铜镍矿冶炼厂建设项目产生的职业病危害因素,分析其危害程度及对劳动者健康的影响,并提出职业病危害的关键控制点和防护的特殊要求,从源头控制或消除职业病危害。方法依据国家相关法律、法规、规章和标准,通过职业卫生现场调查、职业健康检查、职业卫生检测等方法收集数据并进行分析。结果检测物理及化学有害因素共26种,超过国家职业卫生标准的职业病危害因素有6种。其中共检测粉尘点位18个,合格率为77.8%;检测化学毒物177个点位,检测合格率为96.6%;噪声检测69个点位,合格率为76.8%;高温检测14个点位,合格率为78.6%;照度检测15个点,合格率为53.8%;工频电场强度检测合格率为100%。该项目总体布局符合国家标准;设备布局在满足生产任务要求的前提下,统筹兼顾、布局合理,基本符合国家标准。建筑卫生学,防尘、防毒、防寒、防暑措施和防噪声、防振动措施均基本符合国家标准。工作场所办公室、休息室、职工食堂、卫生间等辅助用室在设置地点、数量、卫生条件等方面符合国家标准。对该项目接触粉尘、噪声及毒物等职业病危害因素的245名职工进行在岗职业健康检查,未发现疑似职业病患者,发现疑似职业禁忌证需进一步明确诊断者共3人。结论该企业超过国家职业卫生标准的职业病危害因素为矽尘、砷及其化合物、二氧化硫、噪声、温度、照度。企业应加强管理,增加工作人员,交替巡检缩短个人的接触时间,为在熔炼系统接触二氧化硫的工作人员配备自吸过滤式全面罩;在采光不足的作业点应开启照明灯具。 [Objective]to investigate the occupational hazards in a copper-nickel ore smelting plant in Xinjiang, to analyze its harmful degree and effect on workers’ health, and propose critical control points of occupational hazards and special requirements for protection, so as to control and eliminate occupational diseases.[Methods]The field occupational investigation, occupational health examination, occupational health inspection and other method were adopted to collect data for analysis according to national laws, regulations, rules and standards.[Results] A total of 26 kinds of physical and chemical factors were detected, 6exceeded the national standards of occupational hazards. Dust was detected in 18 points, with qualified rate of 77.8%;chemical toxicant was detected in 177 points, with qualified rate of 96.6%; noise on 69 points, with qualified rate of 76.8%;heat on 14 points, with qualified rate of 78.6%; illumination on 15 points, with qualified rate of 53.8%; the qualified rate of power frequency electric field intensity was 100%. The project conformed to the national standard about the general layout,equipment layout in the premise of meeting the production task requirements, overall planning, and rational layout, accorded with the national standards. Building hygiene, measures against dust, cold, toxicant, heat, noise and vibration basically accorded national standards. Workplace office, lounge, staff canteen, toilet and other auxiliary rooms were in line with national standards in the location, quantity, health condition. Health examination on 245 workers exposed to dust, noise and toxicants showed no suspected occupational disease patient was identified, and 3 workers were found suspected contraindication which needed further identification. [Conclusion]Silica dust, arsenic and its compounds, sulfur dioxide, noise, temperature and illumination exceed the national standards of occupational hazards. Enterprises should strengthen the management, increase workers and alternate the inspection or reduce the individual exposure time, equip self full cover absorption filter among workers exposed to sulfur dioxide in smelting system. Light should be opened in operating point of insufficient daylight.
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2015年第21期2884-2888,2892,共6页 Occupation and Health
关键词 铜镍矿 职业病危害因素 控制措施 Copper-nickel ore Occupational hazard Control measures
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