目的利用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)法及石墨炉原子吸收光谱(AAS)法对全血中铅元素进行检测,选取最佳的测定方法。方法分别采用ICP-MS法及酸脱蛋白-AAS法测定全血中微量元素铅含量。结果两种方法标准曲线线性回归方程相关系数均大于0.999,相对标准偏差(RSD)均小于5.0%(测定次数n=6),ICP-MS法精密度较为理想。两种加标回收率分别为91.5%~94.0%和86.0%~92.2%,方法检出限为0.003 6μg/L及5.0μg/L,并用生物标准参考物质牛血评价分析方法的准确度,测定结果与推荐值均相符。结论从两种方法的对比中发现,ICP/MS测定法准确度和精密度最为理想,适合于对样品结果的验证和质控考核工作,将是生物材料金属检测的一个发展趋势,值得借鉴和推广。而酸脱蛋白-AAS法样品处理简单快捷,适合大批量正常人群的样品检测。
[Objective]To apply the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS) and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry(AAS) in determination of lead in blood, and the optimal method was selected.[Methods]The ICP-MS method and acid deproteinization-AAS method were used for the determination of trace lead content in blood.[Results]The linear correlation coefficient(r) of each linear regression equation was 〉 0.999, and each relative standard deviation(n=6) was under5.0%. The precision of ICP-MS method was more desirable. The recoveries of two methods were in the range of 91.5%-94.0% and86.0%-92.2%, the detection limit was 0.003 6 μg/L and 5.0 μg/L, respectively. And the reference material of bovine biological standard analysis was used to evaluate the accuracy of the measurement results, and the recommended values were consistent.[Conclusion]From the comparison of the accuracy and precision of the 2 methods, ICP/MS method is more desirable, it is suitable for verification of sample results and quality control work. It will lead a development trend of the metal detection in biological materials. It is worth learning and promotion. And the acid deproteinization-AAS method is simple and fast, suitable for detection of large quantities of samples of normal people.
Occupation and Health