

Key Factors and Regulation Policies for Development of Drug Superstars in China
摘要 目的:探讨我国发展药物大品种的关键因素和规制政策。方法:选取政府、企业、学术机构等单位的专家学者进行访谈,然后采用扎根理论分析访谈资料。结果:界定出药物大品种的概念范围,明确了我国建立药物大品种的必要性,分析出药物大品种改造的产业政策,并提出我国药物大品种改造的政策规制模型。结论:政府应建立政策、完善制度,引导企业发展;企业应加强自身创新能力、开拓国际市场,推进大品种的改造。 Objective: To discuss key factors and regulation policies for development of drug superstars in China. Methods: Interviews were conducted with several experts from governments, enterprises and research institutions, and then the interview data were analyzed by grounded theory. Results: The concept of drug superstars was defined, the necessity of drug superstars was clarified, the industry policy for modification of drug superstars was analyzed, and the policy regulation model for modification of drug superstars was proposed. Conclusion: Governments should establish policy and improve system construction to guide enterprises to develop drug superstars. And enterprises should enhance their innovation capability and explore the international market to promote the reform of drug superstars in China.
出处 《中国药事》 CAS 2015年第11期1117-1124,共8页 Chinese Pharmaceutical Affairs
关键词 药物大品种 扎根理论 专家访谈 政策规制 drug superstars grounded theory interview with experts regulation policy
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