目的分析成都市蔬菜、畜禽肉制品、动物性水产品及茶叶中铝含量,并对其膳食暴露情况进行评估,为食品安全监管及健康教育工作提供依据。方法对全市范围内蔬菜、畜禽肉制品、动物性水产品及茶叶中铝含量进行测定,结合《2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查》中城市居民膳食消费数据,计算成都市居民部分食品中铝的膳食暴露量。结果蔬菜、畜禽肉制品、动物性水产品及茶叶中铝的平均含量分别为21.9 mg/kg、7.4 mg/kg、7.6 mg/kg、200.8 mg/kg,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。成都市居民蔬菜、畜禽肉制品、动物性水产品中铝的每周平均暴露量分别为0.64 mg/(kg·bw)、0.09 mg/(kg·bw)、0.04 mg/(kg·bw),分别占WHO/FAO推荐的铝的每周容许摄入量的32%、4.5%、2%;每周高端暴露量分别为3.62 mg/(kg·bw)、0.49 mg/(kg·bw)、0.16 mg/(kg·bw),分别占WHO/FAO推荐的铝的每周容许摄入量的181%、24.5%、8%。结论各类食品中铝含量差异较大,茶叶、蔬菜中铝含量较高。结合膳食摄入情况,提示成都市居民铝暴露量存在安全隐患,建议在消费者中加强平衡膳食知识的宣传,避免偏食导致的铝摄入量超标。
Objective To analyze the aluminum content in vegetables,livestock and poultry meat products,animal aquatic products,tea,and to evaluate the dietary exposure,so as to provide a basis for food safety regulatory. Methods The aluminum contents in vegetables,livestock and poultry meat products,animal aquatic products,teas were detected in Chengdu. The safety status of foods exposed by aluminum was estimated based on the residents,dietary consumption data with reference of China National Nutrition and Health Survey in 2002. Results The average aluminum content in vegetables,livestock and poultry meat products,animal aquatic products,tea were 21. 9 mg / kg,7. 4 mg / kg,7. 6 mg / kg,200. 8 mg / kg,and the differences were statistically significant( P〈0. 05). The average aluminum exposure per week in vegetables,livestock and poultry meat products,animal aquatic products were 0. 64 mg /( kg·bw),0. 09 mg /( kg·bw),0. 04 mg /( kg·bw),which reached to32%,4. 5%,2% of PTWI. And the highest aluminum exposure per week in vegetables,livestock and poultry meat products,animal aquatic products were 3. 62 mg /( kg · bw),0. 49 mg /( kg · bw),0. 16 mg /( kg · bw),which reached to 81%,24. 5%,8% of PTWI. Conclusion The aluminum content were significant different in various kinds of foods,which were higher in tea and vegetables. And the aluminum Exposure assessment indicated a security risk,and to strengthen the propaganda of balanced diet knowledge in consumers,and avoid exceeded intake of aluminum.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
Food safety
Food contaminants
Exposure assessment