1986年4月,作者在浙江省天目山自然保护区采集的一种扭(尉虫)族(Capritermitini)标本,原拟归入基扭(尉虫)属CoxocapritermesAkhtar,现见平正明和徐月莉(1986)发表的华扭(尉虫)属新属(Sinocapritermes),其属征如下所示: 1.兵(尉虫),头亮被毛适度至较密。
There are eleven of Genus Sinocapritermes discovered from China:1.S. albipennis (Tsai et Chen).2.S. fujianensis Ping et Xu,3.S. guangxiensis Ping et Xu,4.S. magnus Ping et Xu,5.S. mushae (Oshima et Maki),6.S. parvulus (Yu et Ping),7.S. planifrons Ping et Xu,8.S. sinensis Ping et Xu,9.S. tinmuensis sp. nov.10.S. vicinus (Xia, Gao et Tang),11.S. yunnanensis Ping et Xu. Key to species of the Genus Sinocapritermes (Soldiers)1. Width of head generally greater than 1. 19 mm…………………………………………(2) Width of head generally less than 1. 19 mm……………………………………………………(7)2. Head--capsule shorter, head width index 0.66--0. 75…………………………………………(3) Head--capsule longer, head width index 0.61--0.65……………………………………(5)3. Minimum width of postmentum more than half its maximum width S.sinensis Minimum width of postmentum less than or almost equal to half its maximum width………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(4)4. Width of head 1.58--1.65 mm……………………………………………………S. albipennis Width of head 1.28--1. 50 mm………………………………………………………………S. magnus5. Anterior margin of pronotum with a deep median notch……S. guangxiensis Anterior margin of pronotum without a deep median notch……………………(6)6. Length of head--capsule 1.96--2.06 mm………………………………………………S. vicinus Length of head--capsule 2. 17--2.32 mm…………………………………………S. planifrons7. Length of left mandible longer than right mandible……………………………………(8) Length of left mandible nearly equal to right mandible………………………………(9)8. Vertex flat. Width of head 0.80--0.84 mm…………………………………S. parvulus Vertex raised. Width of head 0.94--0.99mm…………………………S. fujianensis9. Vertex flat. Median suture of head as long as half the length of head……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………S. mushaeVertex raised or slightly raised. Median suture of head one third thelength of head………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(10)10. Frontal area raised above the level of vertex, lateral view………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………S. yunnanensisVertex above the level of front, lateral view…………S.tinmuensis sp. nov. This paper also reports on a new species collected in Mt. Tinmu,ZhejiangProvince, which is named Sinocapritermes tinmuensis sp. nov.Comparison: The soldier of S. tinmuensis may be distinguished from S. vicinus by itsnarrowest width of postmentum 0. 20--0. 22 mm and its smaller dimensions.The soldier of S. tinmuensis may be separated from S. mushae by its largerdimensions and its narrowest width of postmentum 0.20--0. 22mm The imago of S.tinmuensis may be separated from S. vicinus and S. mushaeby its larger dimensions.Type locality: Mt. Tinmu (30. 4°N, 119.5°E), Zhejiang Province: soldiers(holotype, paratype). imago (holomorphotype, paramorphotype) and wor-kers,collected by Gao Daorong and Wu Yiduo.22 April, 1986, under a stone.Holotype deposited in Shanghai Institute of Entomology, Academia Sinica.Paratypes deposited separately in the Nanjing Institute of Termite Controland the Shanghai Institute of Entomology. Academia Sinica.
Key words: Isoptera
Termitidae. Sinocapritermes
new species.