
基于自定义XML数据类型的研究 被引量:1

Research on User Define XMl Data Format
摘要 XML数据格式是目前数据格式中非常重要的一种。对于中医药数据来说,有其特殊的应用价值。该文尝试自定义多种XML数据格式并通过数据格式转换等应用试图找到其应用价值。在研究过程中发现,自定义的格式如果设置合理,形式灵活,可以表达很多复杂的中医药数据。 XML data format is a very important data format now. For traditional Chinese medicine data, it has its special application value.This paper tries to find the value with a variety of XML data format and format conversion. In the research process, it is found that the definition of the format is flexible, it can express a lot of complex TCM data.
作者 丁亚涛 DING Ya-tao (AHTCM, College of Medical Information Engineering, Hefei 230012, China)
出处 《电脑知识与技术》 2015年第8期3-4,8,共3页 Computer Knowledge and Technology
关键词 XML 中医药 数据类型 XML Chinese Medicine Data Format
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