
基于微博的智能数字图书馆个性化推荐 被引量:2

Microblog-based Personalized Recommendation for Intelligent Digital Library
摘要 针对传统图书馆在为用户提供准确多样的个性化服务方面的不足,文章提出基于用户微博信息的个性化推荐模型。通过挖掘用户的微博文本短信息,引入本体描述用户对本体领域概念的偏好,建立基于微博用户的多层语义社区网络模型,并将该模型应用于混合协同过滤推荐系统中,实现智能数字图书馆的个性化推荐。 As the traditional library can' t provide aocttmte and diverse personalized service, we propose a personalized information recommendation model based on micro-biog. By mining micmblog users ' text messages and decrypting their common preferences of concepts space based on ontology, we build a multilayered semantic social network model. The applicability of the proposed model to a hybrid collaborative filtering system is empirically suitable to be used in personalized recommendation of intelligent digital library.
作者 黄婷
出处 《数字图书馆论坛》 CSSCI 2015年第11期56-63,共8页 Digital Library Forum
关键词 微博 本体 多层语义社区网络 智能图书馆 个性化推荐 Microblog Ontology Concept Multilayered Semantic Social Network Intelligent Digital Library Personalized Recommendation
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