On-chip microsupercapacitors (MSCs) compatible with on-chip geometries of integrated circuits can be used either as a separate power supply in microelectronic devices or as an energy storage or energy receptor accessory unit. In this work, we report the fabrication of flexible two-dimensional Ni(OH)2 nanoplates-based MSCs, which achieved a specific capacitance of 8.80 F/cm^3 at the scan rates of 100 mV/s, losing only 0.20% of its original value after 10,000 charge/discharge cycles. Besides, the MSCs reached an energy density of 0.59 mWh/cm^3 and a power density up to 1.80 W/cm^3, which is comparable to traditional carbon-based devices. The flexible MSCs exhibited good electrochemical stability when subjected to bending at various conditions, illustrating the promising application as electrodes for wearable energy storage.
有集成电路的在薄片上几何学的在薄片上 microsupercapacitors (MSC ) 兼容机也能在 microelectronic 设备或作为精力存储或精力受体附件单位被用作分开的电源供应。在这个工作,我们报导灵活二维的 Ni 的制造(哦)基于 nanoplates 的 MSC,它在扫描完成了 8.80 F/cm <sup>3</sup> 的一个特定的电容 100 mV/s 评估的 <sub>2</sub> ,仅仅在 10,000 控告 / 解除以后失去 0.20% 它的原来的价值骑车。而且, MSC 到达了 0.59 mWh/cm <sup>3</sup> 的精力密度和电源密度直到比得上传统的基于碳的设备的 1.80 W/cm <sup>3</sup>, 。当使遭到了到以各种各样的条件弯曲时,灵活 MSC 展出了好电气化学的稳定性,说明象为便携精力存储的电极的有希望的申请。
Acknowledgements This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61377033).