

The Similarities and Differences between Fuzzy Input and Accurate Input in the Interface of Pen+Touch
摘要 随着科技的发展,计算机的体积越来越小,而屏幕上显示的信息量越来越多,用户希望在选择较小的目标时,能保持甚至提高获取目标的效率。因此,目标的大小,可访问性和屏幕上信息量之间的权衡是一个重要问题。在文章中,我们讨论Pen+touch界面点击交互任务中的模糊输入与精确输入之间的异同点。我们设计了点击触控实验来比较两种输入方式的特征。目标在笔尖(指肚)第一次接触屏幕目标区域时被选中。实验显示,点击准确率受到目标尺寸变化的影响。然而,他们不受目标距离起始位置远近和笔(手指)移动方向的影响。笔能点击到的最小精度为8像素(2.11毫米),手指能点击到的最小像素为10像素(2.64毫米)。同时我们发现,10像素是一个边界尺寸,当目标大于10像素时,两种输入方式的准确率差异较小,当目标小于10像素时,两种输入方式的准确率却相差较大。我们也统计了两种输入方式在点击触控任务中,完成一次点击任务需要的时间。 With the development of science and technology, computers are getting smaller and smaller, but the amount of information displayed On the screen is more and more. Users want to keep even imporve the efficiency of targets obtaining, when selecting smaller targets. Therefore,the trade-off between the goal of the size, accessibility and the amount of information on the screen is an important issue. In this article, we discuss the similarities and differences between fuzzy input and precise input in click interactive task of the interface of Pen +Touch. We designed click touch exprement to comparing the features of the two input modes. The exprement indicated that the accuracy rate is affected by the change of target size, however, it is not afferected by the distance among the target and the starting position and the moving direction of pen (finger). The minimum accuracy of pen clicking is 8 pixels (2.112mm), while the minimum accuracy of finger clicking is 10 pixels(2.64mm). At the same time we found 10 pixel is a boundary dimensions, when the target is greater than 10 pixels (2.64mm), the accuracy rate of the two input modes is small, however, when the target is smaller than 10 pixels (2.64mm), the accuracy rate of the two input modes is relatively large. We also counted the time to complete a click on a task in click touch task.
作者 张波 殷继彬
出处 《价值工程》 2016年第1期186-188,共3页 Value Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 笔+触控界面关键人因问题和交互策略的研究(61262042)
关键词 计算机 人机交互 Pen+Touch 模糊输入 精确输入 computer human-computer interaction Pen+Touch fuzzy input accurate input
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