Today's lnternet economy, especially for finance, operators, e-commerce, software applications not only carries its core business, but also generates, processes, stores all kinds of core sensitive informations: account intbrmation, privacy, business data, financial transaction records, once the security of software application is not enough, not only short-term business interruption, reputation damage, all kinds of information assets will be continuely affecded through underground transactions into the underground economy industrial chain, resulting in huge financial and credit risk.In view of this trend, most enterprises have implemented measures to improve the security of the application, but in fact, most of the enterprises are basically in the implementation of the relevant security detection and risk management measures in encoding, testing and publishing. Related data show that in the demand, architecture design stage to improve the analysis and design, the cost will be more than 30 times the cost of repairing the vulnerability after deployment. Therefore, we must establish a strong and safe system, improve the security level of the system at the early stage of application development. In this paper, through the detailed analysis of the MVC application design flaws, to explore the principle of common design flaws and the principle of safety design, provide practical basis for the application of safety design.
Wireless Internet Technology
architecture design: security development: MVC. information security