
孕中期前置胎盘状态引产相关问题 被引量:11

The relative inducted labor problems of central placenta previa state on the second trimester pregnancy
摘要 孕中期中央性前置胎盘状态引产过去一直作为阴道分娩的绝对禁忌证,现在随着中央性前置胎盘状态临床诊治经验的积累,对有医学指征或要求引产的孕中期中央性前置胎盘状态患者,可选择药物引产、减胎后引产、子宫动脉栓塞辅助下引产和剖宫产等终止妊娠方式。每种引产方式均有产后出血、引产失败(剖宫产除外)等风险,在引产过程中均需严密观察、做好输血、输液及急诊手术的准备,尽可能提高引产成功率和减少并发症的发生。 In the past, central placenta previa was an absolute contraindication of vaginal delivery. With clinical experience of diagnosis and treatment accumulated, patients with central placenta previa, who induced labored due to medical indication or wishing, could choose several methods of pregnancy termination, such as drug induced labour, induced labour after fetal reduction, uterine arterial embolization-assisted induced labour, caesarean section, and so on. All methods had the risks of postpartum hemorrhage, failure of induced labour ( except for caesarean section), and so on. To improve success rate of induced labour and decrease incidence rate of complications, patients should be closely monitored, be prepared blood transfusion and emergency operation during inducted labour.
出处 《中华产科急救电子杂志》 2015年第2期13-16,共4页 Chinese Journal of Obstetric Emergency(Electronic Edition)
关键词 中央性前置胎盘状态 妊娠中期 引产 栓塞 治疗性 Central placenta previa state Pregnancy trimester, second Labor, induced Embolization, therapeutic
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