
再谈产后出血患者出血量的计算 被引量:8

The methods of estimating postpartum blood loss
摘要 产后出血(postpartum hemorrhage)是产科最常见、最凶险的并发症之一,是导致全球孕产妇死亡的主要原因。准确地预估出血量,对临床上选择何种方法预防和治疗产后出血具有重要的指导意义。临床上常用的方法有:目测法、面积法、称重法、血红蛋白测定法以及休克指数等方法,近年又有学者研究发明了一种新型直观、较为精确的容量袋法。 Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is a potentially life threatening condition, and it remains the leading cause of maternal morbidity all over the world. The accurate estimation of postpartum blood loss is significant for choosing appropriate precaution and treatment in the patients with PPH. The clinical common methods of quantify postpartum blood loss include visual estimation, planimetric method, gravimetric method, hemoglobinometry and shock index. In recent years, a new and quite accurate specialized blood collection bag has been put in clinical practice for estimation of postpartum blood loss.
作者 尹倩 钟梅
出处 《中华产科急救电子杂志》 2015年第2期34-36,共3页 Chinese Journal of Obstetric Emergency(Electronic Edition)
关键词 产后出血 血量 Postpartum hemorrhage Blood volume
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