On July 22,2013,the Minxian-Zhangxian MS6. 6 earthquake occurred on the east segment of Lintan-Dangchang fault. The analysis of digital elevation and remote sense image shows that the east segment of Lintan-Dangchang fault is still active and the main thrust feature of the fault switches to left lateral slip. With the field research of intensity and damages,several abnormal points of 8 degree spread in isoseismal line of 7 degree and some abnormal points of 7degree spread in isoseismal line of 6 degree. These abnormal points distribute along the hanging wall of the fault in width of 2km. The analysis based on remote sense and digital elevation model shows that the segment of the Lintan-Dangchang fault south Minxian mainly slips in left literal.The fault movement made the soil soft in the fault zone. The earthquake motion propagates along the fault zone. The strong earthquake motion causes foundation failure in the soft soil along the fault zone and the abnormal intense points of disaster formed.
Earthquake Research in China