

The National Assembly: The Chinese Youth Party's Choice——Focus on Party Transformation and Inter- party Relations
摘要 以国共两党博弈为主线的近代中国政党互动受到学界长期的关注,然而在特定历史时刻,以第三大党自居的中国青年党也曾产生过重要影响。抗战胜利后,国民党单方面宣布将召开所谓"国民大会",国共战端重起。国共的决裂使得包括青年党在内的第三方必须作出抉择,经过一番挣扎的青年党决定参加"国民大会",彻底倒向国民党。现实地看,青年党既无武装力量亦少武装行动,倾向于和平推动国民政府的政治革新;国民党的利益诱惑也使得许多青年党人期望跻身于政界实现他们的书生理想。历史地看,青年党与共产党存在较大的差异,而与国民党有着较为相近的政治诉求。多重合力决定了青年党的抉择,这一抉择也使青年党的民主理想最终归于幻灭。 The theory of games between the Communist Party and the Kuomintang( KMT),which had been regarded as the main line of the modern Chinese political party interaction,had attracted for such a long time attention by the academic community. However,the Chinese Youth Party,acknowledging itself as the third largest party,also made an important influence at a particular moment in history. After the victory of the anti- Japanese war in 1945,KMT insisted holding the so- called "The National Assembly"by itself which triggered the war between the Communist Party and KMT to start again. The rupture between the Communist Party and KMT forced other third parties including the Chinese Youth Party to make an ultimate choice. After several times of struggling,the Chinese Youth Party decided to participate in "The National Assembly"and followed KMT completely. From the realistic point of view,Chinese Youth Party had neither the armed forces nor the armed action and they tended to promote peaceful political reform for the national government. The temptation of benefits from KMT also made many Chinese Youth Party members expect to become a part of political figures and to achieve their ideals as scholars.From the historic point of view,there were many major differences between Chinese Youth Party and the Communist Party,while Chinese Youth Party and the KMT shared some relatively similar political concerns and demands. Multiple aspects and forces had determined the choice of Chinese Youth Party,which also brought the democratic ideals of Chinese Youth Party to disillusionment eventually.
作者 张帆
出处 《烟台大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期104-113,共10页 Journal of Yantai University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)
关键词 青年党 共产党 国民党 国民大会 the Chinese Youth Party the Communist Party of China Kuomintang the National Assembly
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