
美国新奥尔良 二战博物馆

World War Ⅱ Musemum in New Orleans of USA
摘要 相比其他历史博物馆门庭冷落,美国新奥尔良二战博物馆却让很多年轻人趋之如骛,这是因为这座历史博物馆,除了原汁原味再现二战时期境况之外,就是它本身的建筑艺术。外表看起来,它可不是—座板着脸说教的历史博物馆,它和城市周边环境融为了一体,并成为一座建筑风景线。 Compared to other history Museums where there is not much people,many young people would like to visit the World War Ⅱ Musemum in New Orleans.That is because other than the reappearance of World WarⅡ,the building itself is really artistic.From outside,it is not a history museum with poker face but integrates with the city around to form an architecture scenery line.
作者 刘大庆
出处 《经理人》 2015年第12期100-104,17,共5页 Manager
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