
应对操作风险:“加强监管”还是“健全市场”?——我国商业银行内部控制法律机制变迁的路径选择 被引量:8

A Response to Operation Risks: Enhancing Supervision or Perfecting Market? The Path Selection of Evolution of Chinese Commercial Banks' Internal Control Legal System
摘要 理论上,完善商业银行内控法律机制的制度安排存在着两条路径选择:其一是通过授权行政性监管机构以更宽泛的监督职权;其二是通过强化外部市场约束机制来激励商业银行的内部管理人主动改进内控机制。我国既往关于商业银行内控法律机制的发展总体上是沿着一条不断强化和扩张监管机构执法权力的路径。由于这一模式存在着诸多不可克服的弱点,故未来我国商业银行内控机制的完善还有赖于实施有效的信息披露法律制度基础之上的市场约束机制的强化。 From a theoretical perspective, two paths are provided to improve institutional ar rangement of commercial banks' internal control legal system: one is to authorize the administra- tive agencies to have broader power of supervision and the other is to encourage internal management of commercial banks to improve the internal control system on their own initiative by consolidating external market discipline mechanisms. In China, past development of commercial banks' internal control legal system has a path of constantly strengthening and expanding enforcement power of regulatory authorities in general. Because of the inevitable defects of this mode, future perfection of commercial banks' internal control system also depends on the consolidation of market discipline system based on the implementation of effective information disclo- sure legal system.
作者 黄韬
出处 《上海财经大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期57-66,共10页 Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
关键词 商业银行 内部控制 金融法制 金融监管 市场约束 信息披露 commercial bank internal control financial legal system financial regulation market discipline information disclosure
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  • 3Nicola Clark & David Jolly, "French Bank Says Rogue Trader Lost $ 7 Billion", New York Times, 25 January 2008.
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  • 6See Internal Control= Comptroller's Handbook, January 2001 tions-by type/comptrollers-handbook/intcntrl.pdf, last visited at July 7th.
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