
原料淀粉中铝残留量的调查分析 被引量:5

Investigation and analysis of aluminum content in raw starch
摘要 目的了解我国原料淀粉中铝含量,为制定和完善淀粉制品的铝限量标准提供科学依据。方法随机抽取6类229份原料淀粉样品,按GB/T 5009.182—2003《面制食品中铝的测定》处理样品,检测铝含量并进行分析。结果原料淀粉中铝含量范围为ND^190.43 mg/kg,中位数为18.14 mg/kg,平均含量达到36.04 mg/kg,多数处于较低水平。不同种类的原料淀粉中铝含量差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),其中甘薯淀粉中的铝含量远高于其他原料淀粉,其含量平均值达到69.52 mg/kg,其中最大值为190.43 mg/kg。结论甘薯是富铝作物,建议加强对甘薯类淀粉制品的特殊监管。本研究初步了解了6类原料淀粉中的铝残留量,为制定和完善铝本底含量值标准提供依据。 Objective The background value of aluminum in raw starch was investigated to provide the basis for formulating and improving relevant standards of starch products. Methods Six types of 229 raw starch were collected randomly, and aluminum was analyzed according to the national standard GB/T 5009. 182-2003. Results The concentration of aluminum ranged in ND-190.43 mg/kg, most of which were low. The median value was 18.14 mg/kg andthe average was 36.04 mg/kg. Aluminum content in sweet potato starch seemed to be significantly higher than other samples (P 〈 0.05 ) , and the average content and maximum value was respectively 69.52 and 190.43 mg/kg. Conclusion The sweet potato was rich in aluminum, and it was necessary to strengthen the supervision upon those products. This research provided the basis for understanding the background value of aluminum.
出处 《中国食品卫生杂志》 2015年第6期649-652,共4页 Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene
关键词 原料淀粉 残留量 甘薯 食品安全 违法添加 食品添加剂 Aluminum raw starch residual level sweet potato food safety illegal to add food additives
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