
运动技能内隐认知抗干扰性与抗应激性的试验研究 被引量:7

Experimental Study on the Anti-interference and Anti-stress of Implicit Cognition in Motor Skills
摘要 运动技能的外显认知需要注意力高度集中,在分心情况下运动技能的表现与发挥容易受到干扰,通过外显认知所获得的运动技能在紧张、压力情景下成绩表现有较大的波动性。为考察运动技能的内隐认知是否也具有同样的特征,运用文献资料法、试验等方法,以序列反应时为试验主任务,以视觉干扰(记忆7位数字串)为第2任务,将80名大学生随机分为4组,分别进行外显单任务、外显双任务、内隐单任务与内隐双任务的练习,在低、高应激状态下分别进行运动技能的学习效果测试。结果表明:内隐双任务组能自动获取复杂技能中所有隐含的潜在规则,内隐认知不受(至少少受)分心的影响;不同的认知方式和练习策略所获运动技能在不同应激状态下的学习效果也不同,与低应激条件下的学习效果相比,高应激条件下单任务内隐组和双任务外显组反应时上升不显著,而外显单任务组反应时显著上升,内隐双任务组反应时显著下降。由此可见,内隐认知在分心条件下同样能获得运动技能,具有抗干扰性特征;内隐认知所获运动技能在紧张、压力条件下成绩发挥稳定,具有抗应激性特征。研究启示人们,在运动技能训练中增加内隐成分与分心练习不仅不影响运动技能的获得,而且对运动员在比赛中增强抗压能力可能具有重要作用。 Explicit cognition in motor skills involves the attention of an athlete whole-heartedly;on the other hand,learning with distracted attention leads tolittle effect,and the performance of the athlete goes up and down. In order to detect whether these characteristics also exist in implicit cognition,by datacollection and experiments,the research subjects(80 students from a university)react to light/intense interference and irritation in implicit cognition andexplicit cognition respectively. In the study which involves a major experiment for testing response-time to serial figures and an experiment for memorizing7-digit figures with some visual interference,80 students were divided into four groups to test their performances under single-task explicit condition,double-task explicit condition,single-task implicit condition,and double-task implicit condition respectively. The results showed that double-task implicitcognition enables automatic learning of complex substructures and all the implicit laws in motor skills even when learners' attention was distracted,that is tosay,this way they can resist interference;motor skills acquired on different cognitions and through various practice strategies show different effects due tovaried irritation,that is,by comparing learning with light irritation to learning with intense irritation,both single-task implicit cognition and double-taskexplicit cognition have little advantage in improving the response-time while single-task explicit cognition has apparent advantage and double-task implicitcognition has apparent disadvantage. To sum up,motor skills acquired implicitly are always performed well even under pressure,which stands for a resistanceto irritation. This research suggested that motor skill training,with implicit learning and attention-distracting programs included,instead of being interferedwith poor learning effects,is likely to work out effectively to increase athletes' stress-resistance ability.
作者 范文杰
出处 《天津体育学院学报》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期298-303,共6页 Journal of Tianjin University of Sport
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(项目编号:07XTY002) 重庆市教育委员会人文社会科学研究项目(项目编号:07sk075)
关键词 内隐认知 外显认知 运动技能 优势特征 抗干扰性 抗应激性 implicit cognition explicit cognition motor skills advantages interference-resistance irritation-resistance
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