

Public Risk Communication of Genetically Modified Issues in the Network Society
摘要 本研究通过对转基因议题网站的量化分析,探讨转基因议题网站风险沟通的内容呈现、话语策略、公共沟通渠道以及不同类型网站的表现差异。研究发现,转基因议题网站以个人博客型网站为主;内容多元化但视角过于单一;科学话语与新闻话语被视为最主要的话语策略;与公众的沟通方式缺乏分众化与互动性;反转派相较于挺转派更善于利用网络平台进行风险沟通。 This paper tried to answer some questions of public issues of risk communication in the network society based on the quantitative analysis of genetically modified (gm) issue websites : How about the content presentation, discourse strategies and public communication channels of risk communication of genetically modified (gm) issue websites? What are the different per- formances of different types of websites? This study found that gm issues take the personal blog sites as the main type of website; the content is diverse but the perspective is too simple; scientific discourse and news discourse are considered to be the main dis- course strategy ; the way to communicate with the public lacks of the focus and interaction. The opponents of GM are better at u- sing the Internet platform for risk communication compared with the proponents of GM.
作者 王超群
出处 《贵州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第6期13-21,共9页 Journal of Guizhou Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金项目"媒介融合下党报的全媒体发展研究"(13BXW003) 湖南省社科基金项目"环境群体性事件官民舆论场互动机制研究"(14YBA160) 湖南科技大学博士基金项目(E51317)阶段性成果
关键词 转基因 风险沟通 健康传播 网络社会 Genetically Modified (gm) risk communication health communication Network Society
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