
女性因何成为近代早期欧洲猎巫运动的主要受害者 被引量:8

Why Did Women Become the Main Victims of Witch-Hunts in Early Modern Europe?
摘要 近代早期欧洲"猎巫运动"的一个显著特征就是女性成为主要受害者。是何种原因导致了这一现象的发生?自20世纪70年代始,一些女性主义学者认真讨论这个问题,并使之逐渐进入史学家的视野。此后,各派别的猎巫研究专家围绕"巫师是否等于女性"、"厌女症是否是导致女性成为猎巫运动主要受害者之根源"、"猎巫与该时期的两性冲突、父权和君权之强化及男权社会的重构是否存在直接联系"等展开深入探讨,分别给出各自的阐释。几乎所有女性主义学者以及少数学院派专家对之做了肯定的答复,而大多数学院派学者则持否定态度。其中一个重要趋向是,自20世纪90年代以后,各派学者都承认社会性别理论在阐释这一问题中的重要作用,从而使性别与巫术和猎巫的研究从史学研究的边缘移至中心,并导致相关研究在20世纪末与21世纪初期逐渐走向深化与多元化。 One of the most notable features of witch-hunts in early modern Europe was that their victims were mainly women.The causes of this phenomenon were initially discussed by feminist scholars in the 1970 s,whence it was gradually taken up by historians.Scholars of different schools have since then gone deeply into the question,offering explanations to issues like 'Were witches all women?' 'Was misogyny the reason women were the main victims of witch-hunts?' 'Were witch-hunts directly related to the gender conflict,the intensification of patriarchy and autocracy,and the reconstruction of a patriarchal society?' Almost all feminist scholars and a few academics have given a positive answer to these questions,but most academics reject this approach.An important trend,however,is that since the '90s,scholars of all schools have affirmed the importance of gender theory;research on gender and witchcraft,and witch-hunts have become the focus of historical research,so that the relevant research century has deepened and diversified in the late 20^(th) century and early 21^(st)century.
作者 徐善伟
出处 《历史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期157-172,193,共16页 Historical Research
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  • 1Evelyn Heinemann, Witches: A Psychoanalytic Exploration of the Killing of Women, trans. Donald Kiraly, London: Free Association Books, 2000, p. 18.
  • 2Christina Larner, Witchcraft and Religion: The Politics of Popular Belief, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, ]984, p. 85.
  • 3E. William Monter, "The Pedestal and the Stake: Courtly Love and Witeheraft," in R. Bridenthal and C. Koonz, eds., Becoming Visible: Women in European History, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1977, p.132.
  • 4E. William Monter, Witchcraft in France and Switzerland, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1976, pp. 119-120.
  • 5Brian P. Levack, The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe, 2na ed. , New York: Longman Publishing, 1995, pp. 133-134.
  • 6Robin Briggs, Witches and Neighbors: The Social and Cultural Context of European Witchcraft, New York: Viking Books, 1996, pp. 260-261.
  • 7Merry E. Wiesner, Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe, 2nd ed., Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2000, p. 279.
  • 8徐善伟.15至18世纪初欧洲女性被迫害的现实及其理论根源[J].世界历史,2007(4):82-91. 被引量:14
  • 9Wilhelm Gottlieb Soldan, Geschichte der Hexenprozesse. Aus dem Quellen dargestellt, Stuttgart und Tibingen Cotta, 1843.
  • 10Jonathan Barry and ()wen Davies, eds., Palgrave Advances in WitchcraJt Historiography, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, pp. 33-107.


  • 1梅丽·E.维斯娜.《近代早期欧洲的女性与性别》(Merry E.Wiesner,Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe).剑桥大学出版社2000年版,第265页.
  • 2C.拉娜.《上帝的敌人》(C.Larner,Enemies of God),牛津1983年版,第100页.
  • 3玛格丽特·L.金.《文艺复兴时代的女性》(Margaret L.King,Women of the Renaissance),芝加哥大学出版社1991年版,第144页.
  • 4琳达·E.米切尔编.《中世纪西欧文化中的女性》(Linda E.Mitchell,ed.,Women in Medieval Western European Culture),纽约和伦敦1999年版,第302页.
  • 5梅丽·E.维斯娜.《近代早期欧洲的女性与性别》,第279页.
  • 6詹妮·吉本(JellnyGibbons).《影响巨大的欧洲猎巫的最新研究进展》("Recent Developments in the Study of the Great European Witch Hunt")[J].石榴,1998,.
  • 7黛博拉·威利斯.《恶意的养育:近代早期英格兰的猎巫和母性的权利》(Deborah Willis,Malevolent Nurture,Witch-Hunting and Maternal Power in Early Modern England),康奈尔大学出版社1995年版,第43-44页.
  • 8B.安卡罗和G.痕宁森编.《近代早期欧洲的巫术:中心与边缘》(B.Ankarloo and G.Henningsen,eds,Early Modern European Witchcraft:Centres and Peripheries),牛津1990年版,第377页.
  • 9玛格丽特·L.金.《文艺复兴时代的女性》,第153页.
  • 10C.拉娜.《上帝的敌人》,第199页.











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