研究四针状氧化锌晶须(T-ZnOw)防霉剂在三元乙丙橡胶洗衣机门封中的应用。结果表明:胶料中添加混炼胶总质量2%的防霉剂AT-85-D,门封的防霉性能可以达到ASTM G21的0级;保持生产配方组分及混炼和硫化工艺条件不变,在炼胶工序中直接添加防霉剂不影响门封硫化速度和产品内外在质量;添加防霉剂的胶料各项物理性能与原生产胶料相当,均达到三星电子公司的技术要求。T-ZnOw防霉剂在洗衣机门封实际生产中应用,生产运转正常,效果良好。
The application of tetrapod-shaped zinc oxide whisker(T-ZnOw)antimildew agent in the EPDM door gasket of washer was investigated. The results showed that,using antimildew agent AT-85-D at 2% of the compound by weight,the antimildew performance of door gasket could attain grade 0 according to ASTM G21. Direct addition of the antimildew agent in the compound during mixing process showed no negative effect on the curing rate and product quality without change of production formula,mixing and curing process. The physical properties of the compound with the antimildew agent were similar to original production compound,and met the requirements of Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. The application results using antimildew agent T-ZnOw in the door gasket of the washer was good.
China Rubber Industry