
蛋白质的质和量与儿童健康 被引量:9

Quality and quantity of proteins and the health of children
摘要 儿童的生理特点决定了其对蛋白质的质和量的需求有其特殊性。蛋白质营养对儿童生长发育、认知功能和免疫功能发展具有极为重要的促进和保障作用;同时,其对儿童的远期健康也具有重要影响。文章针对儿童群体的膳食蛋白质参考摄入量、氨基酸模式和膳食氨基酸参考摄入量、优质蛋白质的食物来源、蛋白质缺乏和过量的危害作一分析。 The physiological characteristics of children deter- mine their own particularity of their needs for the quality and quantity of proteins. Proteins not only play an important role in the development of children' s growth and development, cogni- tive function and immune function, but also have important ef- fects on the long-term health of children.In this paper, the di- etary protein reference intakes, amino acid patterns, dietary amino acid reference intakes, sources of high quality protein, and harm of deficiency and excess of protein in children were discussed in detail.
作者 丁叶 汪之顼
出处 《中国实用儿科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期884-889,共6页 Chinese Journal of Practical Pediatrics
关键词 蛋白质 氨基酸 儿童 参考摄入量 近期和远期健康 protein amino acids child reference intake recent and long-term health
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