
语义网环境下编目的发展与趋势 被引量:2

Development and New Trends of Cataloging in the Era of Semantic Web
摘要 当前的编目理念及所采用的MARC格式,已经滞后于语义网技术的要求。从FRBR、RDA,到BIBFRAME以及OCLC基于Schema.org的关联数据模型,图书馆界在寻找新的书目关联数据模型替代MARC。图书馆界率先完成各种规范词表和分类法的关联数据化,并通过它们实现图书馆界内部网站之间的互联,以及图书馆网站与维基等公众网站之间的互联。VIAFbot等项目表明,语义网时代规范数据依然具有很强的实用性。从探索过程可以总结出,编目有知识化、关联化、主题分面化等趋势。 The current cataloging idea and MARC format have fallen fro- behind the requirements of Semantic Web technologies. From FRBR, RDA, BIBFRAME to OCLC' s linked data model based on Schema.org, the li- brary community is trying to find a new bibliographic linked data model to replace MARC. Controlled vocabula- ries and classifications are the first being transferred to linked data, through which the linking inside library websites and between libraries and public websites such as Wiki is realized. The projects such as VIAFbot show that, authority datas still have a practical value in the era of Semantic Web. Analyzing the trend in cataloging exposed through the exploring process, faceted subject headings, wiki style web pages and linking to the web can be found in the cataloging. 21 refs.
作者 王亚林
机构地区 北京大学图书馆
出处 《国家图书馆学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期16-22,共7页 Journal of The National Library of China
关键词 语义网 编目 关联数据 MARC 规范 Semantic Web Cataloging Linked Data MARC Authority
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