
疼痛与注意的交互作用:自下而上的捕获效应和自上而下的调节作用 被引量:7

Interaction between Pain and Attention:Bottom-up Capture vs. Top-down Modulation
摘要 疼痛是一种复杂的多维度主观体验,注意在疼痛过程中扮演着重要角色。疼痛会干扰注意活动,反之,注意也能够重塑疼痛体验。不仅如此,慢性痛的形成以及慢性痛病人的认知损伤也与个体的注意活动密切相关。研究疼痛与注意相互作用的脑机制,有助于进一步了揭示疼痛的发生和调控机制,进而指导慢性痛的治疗与康复。 Pain is a complex, subjective and multidimensional experience, in which attention plays a crucial role. Pain interrupts attention, and conversely, attention reshapes experiences of pain. Moreover, attention is related to the development of chronic pain and cognitive deficits in pain patients. Investigating the neural underpinnings of the two-way effects between pain and attention would further reveal the brain mechanism of pain perception and pain modulation, which in turn helps improve treatment and facilitate rehabilitation of chronic pain.
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期2096-2106,共11页 Advances in Psychological Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31271092 61033011 31171067 31471061)
关键词 疼痛 注意调控 脑机制 疼痛网络 下行通路 pain, attentional regulation, neural mechanism, pain matrix, descending pathway
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