

International Governance And Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina
摘要 1995年的《代顿协议》揭开了波黑和平发展的新篇章,同时也使波黑成为一个受多种国际力量监督和治理的非完全功能性国家。联合国、美国、欧盟、世界银行等主要国际行为体以不同的方式参与到波黑的战后治理中,力求促进波黑的和平巩固与民主转型。本文在分析了这些国际行为体对波黑危机调解及战后治理的方式及特点后指出,波黑在20年的国际治理之下政治景观没有实质性的改观,民族和解的目标仍未实现,国家安全依旧脆弱。 The Dayton Agreement of 1995 opened up a new era of peace and development for Bosnia and Herzegovina,it also formed a state with nonfull- functionunder various international supervision and control.The United Nations,the United States,the EU,the World Bank and other major international actors have participated,by various ways,in postwar Bosnia's governance in seeking to promote the Bosnian peace consolidation and democratic transition.Based on the analysis of the modes of mediation of crisis,postwar governance by international actors,author points out that Bosnia's political landscape didn' t change fundamentally,national reconciliation still is on the midway and national security is still fragile after 20 years of the Dayton Agreement
作者 左娅
出处 《俄罗斯东欧中亚研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期11-18,92,共8页 Russian,East European & Central Asian Studies
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