
托马斯·杰斐逊教育观中的精英话语释义 被引量:5

Interpretation on Elite Discourse in the Educational Ideas of Thomas Jefferson
摘要 杰斐逊的教育观根植于他那"高贵"的出身、弗吉尼亚的地方主义情节和"进步"学说的引领。在其飞扬的文采之中,我们发现,杰斐逊所谓的"人民"的真实含义是拥有土地的"自耕农",是以杰斐逊为代表的革命精英们的自称。他们的土地成为他们的"自由"、"平等"与"美德"的证明,使其成为"天然的贵族",而教育的所有目的与意义,就是要将这样一代不依靠门阀血缘,而是依靠美德才能的"天然的贵族"一代一代地"世袭"下去。从这个意义上说,在杰斐逊的教育观中,教育不是未雨绸缪的理想主义,而是为了精英权力的巩固;教育不是为了实现"全民参与"的民主情怀,而是社会精英自我延续的上层策略。 The educational ideas of Thomas Jefferson rooted in the "nobleness"of his family background,the localism in Virginia,and the doctrine of"progressivism".In the discourse used by Thomas Jefferson,we found out that the "people"meant the landholding peasants and was presented by the whole generation of"Founding Fathers"as he himself.The estate of the land-holding peasants became the assurance of the"liberty",the "equality"and the "virtue",then made them become the "natural nobility".The purpose and meaning of education were raising this kind of "natural nobility"who did not depend on the kindred family but depended on the virtue and ability.So in the educational ideas of Thomas Jefferson,education did not mean the idealism but the consolidation of elite power;education did not mean a way to realize the democracy of the "whole participation"but the strategy of self-continuance of social elites.
作者 陈露茜
出处 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期167-176,共10页 Journal of Central China Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 托马斯·杰斐逊 人民 贤能主义 民主教育 Thomas Jefferson the people meritocracy democracy of education
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