
国家安定与个人权利保障:转型悖论及其消解 被引量:1

State Security and Individual Rights Protection:the Paradox of Transition and Its Elimination
摘要 国家安定与个人权利保障是两种重要但不同的公共利益,二者之间存在着互为条件、相互限制和相互渗透的辩证关系。二者之间的相互作用可能导致四种结果:良性循环、社会动荡、权利抑制和恶性循环。根据维护国家安定与保障个人权利互动关系的结构模型,由权利诉求导致的社会冲突压力与国家对社会冲突的控制化解能力是影响二者实现良性循环的主要因素。发展中国家要消解促进人权实现过程中的"转型悖论",一方面需要降低权利诉求所产生的社会冲突压力,另一方面需提高国家对社会冲突的控制化解能力,使个人权利保障与国家安定能够实现良性循环。 The state security and individual right protection are two important but different public interests which are mutual conditions,mutual restriction and mutual penetration.The interaction between them may lead to four results:virtuous cycle,social unrest,suppression of rights and vicious circle.According to the Structure Model of the Interaction between the State Security and Individual Rights,the pressure of social conflicts caused by the right demands and the capability of controlling and resolving social conflicts are the main factors that affect the result of the interaction.To dispel the'paradox of transition'in the process of promoting human rights and realize the virtuous cycle between the safeguard of individual rights and the stability of the state can be realized.Developing countries should reduce the social conflicts caused by the demands of rights on the one hand,and improve the capability of controlling and resolving social conflicts on the other.
作者 常健 刘明
出处 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第11期21-30,324,共10页 Academics
基金 教育部人权教育与培训基地重大项目"市场经济初创时期各国人权发展道路比较研究"(12JJD820021) 国家社科规划重点项目"公共领域冲突管理体制研究"(13AGL005)的研究成果
关键词 国家安定 个人权利保障 社会冲突压力 冲突控制化解能力 转型悖论 state security individual rights social conflict conflict pressure capability of conflict control and resolution the paradox of transition
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