
欧洲难民的宗教构成 被引量:5

The Religious Composition of European Refugees
摘要 本文从三方面研究欧洲难民的宗教构成。第一,2015年1—8月间涌入欧洲的难民的主要宗教构成;第二,2014年已被欧盟接收了的难民的主要宗教构成;第三,欧盟的难民政策及其优先考虑接收特定国籍难民折射出的难民的主要宗教构成及特点。研究表明,欧洲难民的宗教基本上由伊斯兰教和基督教构成,且穆斯林占绝对主体,伊斯兰教带来的潜在挑战与穆斯林如何融入当地社会将是欧洲今后必须面对的一个问题,而解决难民危机的根本之道在于实现和平与发展。 This paper carries out research on the composition of religions of European refugees from three approaches.First,it analyzes the main religion composition of the European refugees entering Europe from January to August 2015;second,it focuses on the main religion composition of the refugees who were already accepted by the European Union(EU) in 2014;finally,it probes into the EU's asylum policy and its priority to accept certain nationalities,from which the main religion composition and religious features of refugees are reflected.The research results show that basically Islam and Christianity are the two religion categories among European refugees,and Muslims have absolutely constituted the main body of refugees.As a result,Europe must face potential challenges brought by Islam,and one of the problems for Europe in the future is how to integrate Muslim refugees into European local societies.The essential way to addressing the current refugee crisis is to realize peace and development.
作者 潘文
出处 《世界宗教文化》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期64-69,164,共6页 The World Religious Cultures
基金 欧盟文化教育总司终身教育项目 “让·莫内最佳欧洲研究中心”项目“联盟中的多样性:欧洲一体化与欧洲社会发展”(项目编号JMP 2011-2869)阶段性成果 四川大学中央高校基本科研业务费研究专项项目(skzx2015-gb70)资助
关键词 欧洲 欧盟 难民 宗教构成 伊斯兰教 Europe the European Union refugees religious composition Islam
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