
某潜艇艇员远航前后细胞免疫功能和生化指标的变化研究 被引量:2

Changes of cellular immune function and biochemical indicators in conventional submarine crew before and after prolonged deployment at sea
摘要 目的 探讨某潜艇艇员远航前后细胞免疫功能和生化指标的变化情况.方法 对62名常规潜艇艇员远航前后T淋巴细胞亚群及NK细胞(CD3^+、CD4+、CD8^+、CD4^+/CD8^+及NK细胞)5项指标,肝肾功能以及电解质13项生化指标[包括血糖(Glu)、天冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)、丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)、天冬氨酸氨基转移酶/丙氨酸氨基转移酶(AST/ALT)、尿素(UREA)、肌酐(CREA)、钾(K)、钠(Na)、氯(Cl)、钙(Ca)、镁(Mg)、磷(P)、铁(Fe)]进行测定.结果 与远航前比较,远航后T淋巴细胞亚群中的CD3^+[分别为(67.02±7.30)%、(68.91 f8.15)%]、CD4+[分别为(33.59±5.61)%、(36.87%±3.65)%和CD4^+/CD8^+(分别为1.22±0.45、1.46±0.52)均显著升高(P<0.05),然而CD8^+[分别为(27.32±8.21)%、(25.25±4.38)%]淋巴细胞显著降低(P<0.05),Glu水平[分别为(3.68±0.85) mmol/L、(4.38±1.15) mmol/L]明显升高(P<0.05),血清Ca[分别为(2.48±0.11)mmol/L、(2.54 ±0.12) mmol/L]水平升高(P<0.05),血清Na[分别为(141.08±5.75) mmol/L、(138.08±2.86) mmol/L]和血清Cl[分别为(103.12±3.09) mmol/L、(98.89±4.28)mmol/L]水平明显降低(P<0.01),血清Fe[分别为(23.14±6.75) μmol/L、(21.54±7.34) μmol/L]水平也出现降低(P<0.05).肝肾功能相关生化指标尽管有不同程度的升高,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 本次远航常规潜艇艇员机体免疫应答能力增强,Glu及血清Ca水平升高,Fe、Na和Cl水平降低,提示潜艇远航需要继续调整营养支持配比,关注Glu变化,更好地保障远航潜艇艇员的身心健康. Objective To investigate the changes in cellular immune function and biochemical indicators of conventional submarine crew both before and after prolonged deployment at sea.Methods Sixtytwo submariners were recruited as the subjects of our study.Detections were made on T lymphocyte subpopulation and NK cell (CD3^+ , CD4^+ , CD8^+ , CD4^+/CD8^+ and NK cells) , heptorenal function as well as 13 biochemical indicators [blood glucose (Glu), aspartate amninotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), AST/ALT, UREA, creatinine (CREA), potassium (K), sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P) and iron (Fe)].Results As compared with those before prolonged deployment at sea, CD3^+ levels in the T lymphocyte subpopulation after prolonged deployment at sea (67.02% ± 7.30% and 68.91% ± 8.15% respectively) , CD4^+ levels(33.59% ± 5.61% and 36.87% ± 3.65 % respectively) , and CD4^+/CD8^+ levels (1.22 ± 0.45, 1.46 ± 0.52 respectively) , were all significantly increased (P 〈-0.05).However, CD8^+ levels were obviously decreased(27.32% ± 8.21% ,25.25% ± 4.38%) (P 〈 0.05).Blood glucose levels were obviously increased [(3.68 ± 0.85) mmol/L and (4.38 ± 1.15) mmol/L respectively] (P 〈 0.05).Ca levels were also elevated [(2.48 ± 0.11) mmol/L and (2.54 ± 0.12) mmol/L respectively] (P 〈 0.05).Na levels were respectively [(141.08 ± 5.75) mmol/L,(138.08 ± 2.86)mmol/L] , C1 levels were obviously decreased, which were respectively [(103.12 ± 3.09)mmol/L and(98.89 ±4.28)mmol/L] (P 〈0.01), and Fe levels were also obviously decreased, which were [(23.14 ± 6.75) μmol/L and (21.54 ± 7.34) μmol/L] respectively (P 〈 0.05).Though biochemical indicators of heptorenal function were elevated to various extents, no statistical differences could be noticed (P 〉 0.05).Conclusions The immune response of the conventional submariners during this prolonged deployment at sea was enhanced, the blood glucose and Ca levels were elevated, but Fe, Na and Cl levels were decreased, indicating that nutritional components should be adjusted in future submarine deployments at sea,and attention should be paid to the changes in blood glucose, so as to ensure the mental health of the submariners.
出处 《中华航海医学与高气压医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2015年第5期368-370,373,共4页 Chinese Journal of Nautical Medicine and Hyperbaric Medicine
基金 全军后勤科研计划面上项目(NOCJN135006)
关键词 远航 艇员 生化指标 免疫功能 Navy medicine Submariner Biochemical indicator Immune function
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