目的:探讨早期的偏瘫患者在踩车训练时,主动控制下肢与被动捆绑下肢2种方式对患者下肢运动功能和注意力的影响。方法:30例患者随机分为2组,为试验组和对照组。在常规的康复训练基础上给予踩车训练,对照组使用绳带在膝上将双腿捆绑,防止出现髋外展外旋,试验组不采用捆绑固定,而由家属在旁给与提示患者自主控制髋部。每次训练20分钟,每天2次,疗程为3周。分别在治疗前后对患者的髋部内旋 AROM,下肢的运动功能情况( Fugl-Meyer运动功能评分下肢部分)以及注意力进行评价。结果:试验组在注意力和下肢运动功能的改善上优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:偏瘫病人在使用踩车时主动控制髋部能够提高下肢运动功能,提高注意力。
Objective:To investigate the effect of the active control of the lower limb and the passive bundle on the lower limb move -ment function and attention of the patients in the early stage of the patients in the early stage of the training .Methods:30 patients were randomly divided into two groups , the experimental group and the control group .On the basis of conventional rehabilitation training given on the cycling training , while the control group used the rope in the legs knee would be bundled and prevent the emergence of external ro -tation and abduction of the hip , experimental group did not use fixed bundling , and by the family beside giving hints the autonomic control of patients with hip.20 minutes each time, 2 times a day, 3 weeks.In the treatment of patients before and after the treatment of patients with hip internal rotation AROM , the lower extremity motor function ( Fugl-Meyer motor function score of the lower part of the lower limbs) and attention were evaluated.Results:the experimental group was superior to the control group (P 〈0.05) in the improvement of the function of the movement of the lower limbs .Conclusion:the active control of the hip could improve the lower limb motor function and improve the attention of the patients with hemiplegia .
Chinese Journal of Trauma and Disability Medicine