In order to assess the diagnostic me-thods of dual atrioventricular node pathway(DAVNP), we performed transesophagealatrial pacing in 58 patients with palpitation.These patients were classified into twogroups, group A comprising 40 patients with-out broken A-V conduction curve duringpacing, compared with group B of 18 pa-tients with broken A-V conduction curve. Inour study, both atypical Wenckebach cycleand 3:2 A-V conduction during the incre-ment atrial pacing (IAP) had no significantdifference between the two groups(P>0.05).The maximum increments of SR intervalin Wenckebach cycle of group A and Bduring pacing (Wenckebach Δ SRmax) were83.59±20.92 ms and 125.00±32.52 ms res-pectively (P<0.001)and at the cut-off pointof Wenckebach ΔSRmax at 120 ms thespecificity and positive predicative valuewere very high (96.88% and 90.91%) , butsensitivity was not so high (71.43%) . Theminimum increments of RS interval (ΔRSmin)in a greater change of SR interval showeda significant difference between the twogroups and the specificity and positive pre-dicative value were also high, but the sensi-tivity was not so high, either (78.57%).Weconclude that the diagnostic value of bothWenckebach ΔSRmax and ΔRSmin, whenthe SR interval is of greater change duringpacing to the DAVNP, is rather significant.As the sensitivity is very low, isolatedatypical Wenckebach phenomenon is not asreliable a diagnostic criterion to the DAVNPas previously supposed.
Journal of West China University of Medical Sciences
Transesophageal atrial pacing
Dual atrioventricular node pathwsy