The relationship between organization and their employees has been described as employment relationship.Scholars have paid great attention to what kind of employment relationship approaches(ERA) is suitable for enterprise development from a perspective of economic performance.However,scholars are growingly aware that emphasizing exclusively on the economic logic and ignoring well-being will result in negative outcomes of enterprise development.Currently,scholars have advocated building compassionate academic community.And they have agreed that ERA not only intends to maximize profits for enterprises,but also to benefit greatly towards well-being of enterprises and employees.This benefit makes a substantial supplement to economic performance of the enterprises.Despite of a booming priority to the social,cultural and ecological civilized construction in Chinese government,ERA practices in Chinese enterprises are with little regard for the well-beings of enterprises and employees.From the perspective of Chinese government policy and the organizational management,research on ERA keeps pace with times,and closely links to managerial practices.Conclusively,previous studies took a solely economic perspective to evaluate the applicability of ERA,and rarely took the well-being into account This paper attempts to explore the influence of different types of ERA on the well-being from the perspective of inducements-contributions model.We have conducted surveys on 850 employees in 81 enterprises in 9 cities in China,and finally obtained 522 valid samples data We have analyzed our data using SPSS and LISREL statistical software.Our findings show that when the enterprise takes organization-oriented ERA,harmonious industrial relations climate is the best,physical and mental health of employees is the highest;when the enterprise takes under-investment ERA,employees' job satisfaction is the worst.The supplementary MANCOVA and ANCOVA analyses further confirmed these findings.Theoretically,our paper is in a creative way to introduce the well-being of enterprises and employees as outcome variables in the field of employment relationship.Using empirical research methods,this paper have revealed that there are differences in the influence of different types of ERA on the well-being on two levels of enterprises and employees from incentive-contribution model perspective.It provides the theoretical and empirical support for a better understanding of the influence of different types of ERA on the well-being.Findings enrich the research on outcome variables of ERA.We also propose three fields for further research on the relationship between ERA and the well-being.Practically,this study offers enterprises an important implication for the implementation of ERA in Chinese transitional economy.At the macro level,governmental administrative departments could improve the existing regulations and other supporting legal systems.Our empirical results encourage Chinese enterprises to adopt organizationoriented ERA.At the enterprise level,enterprises could change the concept of human resource management development,actively seek appropriate ERA,and efficiently reply to new changes in the labor market and employment relations.First,enterprises could strive to improve their internal management system and operational level rules.Second,in order to promote harmonious industrial relations climate and the physical and mental health of employees,enterprises could actively take organization-oriented ERA.Again,to enhance corporate reputation and employee career happiness,enterprises can take over organization-oriented or over-investment ERA.Finally,to ensure employee job satisfaction,corporate investment does not take under-investment ERA.
Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
employment relationship approaches
inducements-contributions model
harmonious industrial relations climate
physical and mental health of employees