
我国旅游者反季出游动机与限制研究 被引量:4

A Study on Anti-season Tourism Motivations and Constraints of Chinese Tourists
摘要 旺季游客出游过强的集中性以及淡季资源的过分闲置,直接造成旅游业需求和供给的双重波动,导致旅游产业失衡。平衡旅游季节性的研究多从区域旅游目的地、景区和酒店等旅游供给部门的季节性角度出发,聚焦于缓解旅游淡季对其经营所带来的负面影响,对于旅游者的淡季旅游需求特征及其在平衡旅游季节性方面的作用却鲜有关注。因此,本文运用旅游动机与旅游限制理论,通过实地调研获取一手数据,对国内502位旅游者反季出游动机和限制因素进行了探索性研究。结论如下:(1)因子分析识别了服务导向型、费用节省型、效率驱动型、深度体验型和相机抉择型五个旅游者反季出游动机维度,聚类分析后提炼出理想型、机会型、从容型和享受型四种反季旅游者类型,且各类型在人口统计特征上存在显著差异。(2)采用单因素方差分析,发现限制因素中,个体限制、人际限制和结构限制对不同反季旅游者出游均构成重要影响,且结构限制的影响程度高于个体限制、人际限制。结构限制中,时间影响尤为突出。个体限制、人际限制中,出游同伴的制约性最强。最后,就如何推动我国反季旅游市场发展进行了相关讨论。 Dual fluctuation of tourism demand and supply directly caused by high concentration of tourists in peak season and too much idle tourism resources in low season,resulting in an imbalance of tourism industry.Main researches on keeping tourism seasonality are from the perspective of supply departments such as regional tourist destinations,tourist attraction,hotels and so on,focusing on mitigating the negative impact on their operation brought by slack season,but paying little attention on the slack season tourism demand characteristics of tourists and its key role in keeping balance of tourism seasonality.An exploratory research on anti-season tourism motivations and constraints of 502 domestic tourists were made according to the theory of tourism motivations and constraints,based on the first hand data from investigation.The results are as follows:Firstly,five dimensions of anti-season tourism motivations could be summarized by using factor analysis,they were service-oriented,cost-saving,efficiency-driven,deep-experienced and flexibly-chosen.Four types of anti-season tourists were found after K-means cluster analysis,they were kinds of ideal,opportunistic,leisurely and enjoyable.The largest number was enjoyable tourists,their strong motivations were to pursue convenience,service experience,and quality of anti-season tourism,but weak in external impact and saving travel cost motivation.Then followed by the leisurely tourists with the weak cost saving motivation,strongly independent travel willingness,though indifferent attitude on the three motivation dimensions of service,efficiency and deep experience exhibited,they still paid more attention to efficiency and quality of tourism,traveled much more relaxed,free and slowly.Again was the ideal type of tourists with high level of motivations,rational behavior,also wishing to enjoy the convenient and efficient service and perfect tourism process at the lowest cost.Opportunistic tourists with weak choose right and strong discretionary motivation were easily interrupted by organizational system,and inclined to change tourism plan randomly,confronted with sudden overtime work and other uncertainties,but due to not expecting the high standards and strict requirements as ideal tourists,they traveled more relieved.Secondary,one-way ANOVA analysis of constrains showed that intrapersonal,interpersonal and structural constraints had a key effect on different anti-season tourists,impact of structural constraints in which time was particularly prominent was much higher than constraints of intrapersonal and interpersonal,in which travel companions played a great role.As with types of anti-season tourists,constraints of opportunistic tourists were the strongest,but leisurely tourists the weakest,structural constraints of opportunistic tourists were higher than enjoyable tourists,while individual and interpersonal constraints were opposite.Just on the terms of constraints for anti-season tourists,there were very significant difference among time,companion and personal physical condition,while difference among climate comfort,popularity atmosphere and restrictions from family and friends were important,the significance of scenery restrictions was just so so.Finally,solutions were discussed to promote anti-season tourism in China.Tourism enterprises should consider anti-season tourism as a new driving force and new opportunity for their transformation and development,targeted for the exploiting of anti-tourism products and market expanding.Government should support the corresponding system to accelerate the development of top-level design in the aspect of China's anti-season tourism,guide the anti-season tourism need,encourage the anti-season tourism consumption,in order to promote the normalization and scale of anti-season tourism through the joint efforts of government,enterprises and tourists.
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第12期113-123,共11页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目"我国反季旅游市场潜力的区域差异与开发策略研究"(12AJY008)
关键词 反季旅游 反季旅游者 动机 限制 anti-season tourism anti-season tourists motivations constraints
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