韩国电影"朝韩梦之队"(英文名As One,韩文名(?))是由历史上朝韩在体育界合作的真实事件改编而成。影片讲述了1991年在日本千叶县举行的世界乒乓球锦标赛中,由朝鲜和韩国联合组成的历史上第一支乒乓球南北联队在女子双打项目上艰难取得冠军胜利的过程,以及在这一过程中两国选手们充满汗水和眼泪、冲突和友谊的故事。对身份和国家认知以及"朝韩梦"是如何实现的,都反映在以乒乓球这一体育运动为媒介,同时必须要和中国这一邻国和大国竞争,以上几点使这部电影有别于其他有关朝鲜半岛题材的电影,成为本文研究的案例。本文将提出如下问题:电影的名字蕴含着什么样的政治意味?不同但相关联的身份认知如何互动?"朝韩梦"是如何反映在电影之中的?朝韩两国又是如何在电影中看待邻国的?
The South Korea film "As One" ( in Hangul) was adapted by the historical event of the formation of sport-united team between South Korea and North Korea in 1991. The film narrated that in the 1991 World Team Table Tennis Championships, which was held in Chiba, Japan, due to the then situation between two Koreans, they decided to form the first ever South-North female doubles table tennis team to represent a united Korean peninsular team in the history, which also mirrored the efforts, suffers conflicts as well as fi'iendship they forged during the obtain of championship and how to accomphsh the identification to themselves and their homeland, even the " Korean dream" . Besides the relation of the two Koreans, the film also reflected the perspectives of how to deal with Japan and China on that occasion. Therefore, sports nationalism, film identification and the competition with neighbors, all these elements made the film a unique case study even than the previous films about two Koreans.
The author posed the following research questions: what is the political connotation in the name of the film? How they interacted with relevant but differentiated identifications? How the "Korea Dream" reflected in the film? What are their perspectives on Japan and China via sport nationalism in the film?
Contemporary Korea
South Korean Film, Korean Dream.