
不同割龄橡胶树PR107产胶量的月变化特征 被引量:1

Monthly yield for PR107 clones of Hevea brasiliensis at different tapping ages
摘要 采用统收统测的方式对20个割龄的橡胶Hevea brasiliensis PR107无性系树位5-12月产胶量进行测定分析,以研究PR107无性系单株、单位面积干胶产量的月变化规律。结果表明:不同割龄的株产干胶量和公顷产干胶量的月变化曲线除1 a和12 a表现为多峰型外均表现为双峰型;夏季的6或7月是PR107产胶的高峰期,秋季11月是PR107产胶的另一个高峰期。在4或5月和9月应加强肥水供应以提高树体养分的蓄积。PR107的8个中低割龄和12个高割龄的月株产干胶量与月公顷产干胶量均具有极显著的线性相关(P<0.01)。PR107中低割龄的月株产干胶量与月公顷产干胶量在5月和7,12月分别有极显著(P<0.01),显著(P<0.05)的线性相关;其他月份中低割龄和5-12月高割龄PR107的月株产干胶量与月公顷产干胶量相关性均不显著(P>0.05)。综上可见,不同割龄PR107橡胶树的干胶产量显著受采收期影响。 To ex plore the change rule of dry rubber yields in Hevea brasiliensis rubber tree clone PR107 for alternating months, production yields over 5-12 months were measured and analyzed for trees with 20 tapping ages. Results showed that the monthly dynamics of dry rubber production per tree and dry rubber yield per hectare for 18 tapping ages exhibited double peak curves; whereas, two were multi-peak curves. Dry rubber yield per hectare per month was closely related to dry rubber production per tree per month for eight young and middle-aged as well as twelve old-aged PR107 clones(P〈0.01). There was also a close relationship in May between dry rubber production per tree per month and dry rubber yield per hectare per month for young and middle-aged PR107 clones(P〈0.01), a strong relationship in July and December(P〈0.05), and mostly no relationship in other months(P〉0.05). Thus, changes in harvesting times have a strong effect on dry rubber yields in PR107 clones of H. brasiliensis at different tapping ages.
出处 《浙江农林大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期868-874,共7页 Journal of Zhejiang A&F University
基金 "十二五"国家天然橡胶产业技术体系抗风高产育种专项(CARS-34)
关键词 经济林学 橡胶树 PR107无性系 株产干胶量 公顷产干胶量 月变化 cash forestry Hevea brasiliensis PR107 clone dry rubber production per tree dry rubber yield per hectare monthly dynamics
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