

The Effect of Process Parameters on Hardness of TiN Thin Films by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering
摘要 采用反应磁控溅射工艺,在W18Cr4V高速钢基片上制备TiN薄膜;运用正交设计方法选取工艺参数,研究溅射电流、N_2流量、Ar流量、负偏压等工艺参数对TiN薄膜硬度的影响;并进一步研究了负偏压对薄膜硬度影响。结果表明,各参数对硬度的影响次序由大到小依次为:负偏压、N_2流量、溅射电流、Ar流量。当负偏压小于100V时,负偏压可增加离子对基片的轰击作用,提高致密度,从而提高薄膜硬度;当负偏压大于100V时,过强的离子轰击使薄膜产生更多的缺陷,使薄膜硬度降低。 Titanium nitride (TiN) thin films were fabricated on high speed steel (W18Cr4V) substrates by DC reactive magnetron sputtering. Using the data of parameters by orthogonal experimental method, the influence of the current, nitrogen flow, argon flow, and negative bias voltage on hardness of TiN films were investigated. And the influence of the negative bias voltage on hardness of TiN films was studied further. The results show that the parameters are sequenced as follows in the order of influence on hardness:the negative bias voltage, nitrogen flow, current, argon flow. Negative bias voltage can improve the hard- ness of films because it increases the effect of ion bombardment of substrate, increases the density when the negative bias voltage is less than 100V. When the negative bias voltage is greater than 100V,it can decrease the hardness of films because the effect of excessive ion bombardment generates more defects.
出处 《沈阳理工大学学报》 CAS 2015年第6期20-23,共4页 Journal of Shenyang Ligong University
关键词 TIN薄膜 硬度 正交实验 负偏压 TiN thin films hardness orthogonal experimental negative bias voltage
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