基于0.25μm砷化镓(GaAs)增强、耗尽型赝配高电子迁移率晶体管(E/D PHEMT)工艺,设计并实现了一种串并行驱动器芯片,该芯片应用直接耦合场效应晶体管逻辑结构(DCFL),实现了移位寄存器、锁存器、输出缓冲等数字逻辑电路单片集成。芯片可输入六位串行或并行数据,输出六对互补电平以控制开关、衰减器等砷化镓微波单片集成电路(MMIC)。测试结果表明,在5 V工作电压下芯片的静态电流为7.6 m A,并行输出高电平4.8 V,低电平0.1 V,传输延迟时间125 ns。驱动器芯片尺寸为2.5 mm×1.45 mm。该电路具有响应速度快、易与砷化镓MMIC集成等特点,可广泛应用于各类多功能电路、组件及模块中。
The Ga As serial / parallel switch driver / controller chip was designed and fabricated based on 0. 25μm Ga As enhancement and depletion PHEMT process. In this chip,the direct coupled FET logic structure was applied and the single chip digital logic circuits,including shift register,latch,and output driver stage were integrated. The chip accepted either a 6-bit serial input date word or a 6-bit parallel word. The microwave monolithic integrated circuits( MMIC),like Ga As switch and attenuator,were controlled by the complementary outputs of the chip. The driver / controller chip,with a size of 2. 5 mm ×1. 45 mm,worked with a quiescent current of 7. 6 m A,a parallel output high level of 4. 8V,a low level of 0. 1 V and a propagation delay time of 125 ns. The chip was widely used in kinds of multi- functional circuits and modules since its fast response and was eszy to integrate with other MMICs.
Semiconductor Technology