
燃烧后处理溶剂二氧化碳吸收中试塔技术进展 被引量:7

Practical Experience in Post-combustion CO_2 Capture Using Reactive Solvents in Large Pilot and Demonstration Plants
摘要 烟道气后处理二氧化碳溶剂吸收技术包括基础研究和中试塔,演示塔,经济型塔的实际连续操作,业内已经使用大量的中试塔,演示塔和经济型吸收塔,但相关成果在国内少见报道,这篇综述专注这一领域的化工技术进展。中试塔和演示塔中的基础研究和技术开发成果,可用于调式二氧化碳吸收技术的真实操作,为操作大型工业经济型吸收塔提供应用指导。二氧化碳吸收的中试塔和演示塔化工装置和相关吸收技术十分丰富,但它们始终致力提高有机胺为基础溶剂的二氧化碳吸收技术的耐久性和实用性,在以下几方面:吸收尾气排放,工艺操作问题,溶剂配方管理,腐蚀,塔尺寸减少,新型混合胺溶剂,非胺溶剂。演示塔的出现,同时体现测量标准和开始应用的测量和分析方法需求。 Significant progress on post combustion carbon dioxide( CO2) capture technology using reactive solvents has been reported since the IPCC report of 2005. This has included both the advances in the fundamental knowledge of the technology and practical experience in pilot,demonstration and commercial plants. The latter aspect was discussed specifically. There was a widespread deployment of pilot and demonstration plants as well as the birth of a commercial size CO2 capture plant. The research and development work being carried out in pilot and demonstration plants enabled the use of real conditions to study the CO2 capture process and to provide realistic guidance in the design of commercial plants. The lessons learned from the pilot and demonstration plants were very varied but contributed to the continuous improvement of the amine-based CO2 capture technology in terms of off gas emissions,operational issues,solvent management,corrosion,plant size reduction,new and blended amine solvents,and non- amine based solvents. Therefore,the emergence of the demonstration plants had thrown light on both the need for these standards and what are currently in place.
出处 《广州化工》 CAS 2015年第23期30-41,共12页 GuangZhou Chemical Industry
基金 上海市浦江人才计划资助项目(14PJ1406800)
关键词 二氧化碳吸收与封存 溶剂型CO2吸收 气体排放 中试塔和演示塔 经济型吸收塔(工业化应用) 浮质气溶胶生成 取样和分析技术 还原热能耗 solvent-based CO2 capture emissions pilot and demonstration plants aerosol formation sampling and analytical techniques heat duty for regeneration
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