
质疑法定资本制之改革 被引量:83

The Query on the Reform of the Legal Capital System
摘要 法定资本是一种多元的结构,并非只是大陆法系国家的专利,最早的法定资本制度出现在英国公司法中。即便在现代美国公司法中,也有法定资本的规则——资本维持原则。只是不同国家法定资本的规制重心/规制策略略有不同,有些国家偏重事前规制,有些国家偏重事后规制。而且,法定资本也是一种复杂的规范系统,它不仅属于公司法的调控范畴,在会计法、破产法中也都有法定资本的规制痕迹。法定资本的改革必须是一种系统化的改革,而且任何公司资本制度都有其合约、经济与文化基础。大量的实证数据表明,我国取消最低注册资本、改实缴制为合约缴纳制等改革措施欠缺合约逻辑和经济逻辑,也不符合我国的文化偏好。 Legal capital is something with multivariate structure, and it is not the patent of the civil law countries, the earliest legal capital system appeared in the British company law: Even in the modern company law in the United States, there are also legal capital rules---the principle of capital maintenance. But different countries have different legal capital. Some countries lay particular stress onex-ante mechanism, others lay particular stress on ex-post rules. And legal capital is also complex system, it is not only belongs to company law, but also belongs to accounting law, bankruptcy law. The reform of the legal capital must be a systematic one. Any company capital system has its contract, economic and cultural foundation, a large number of empirical data show that China has canceled the minimum registered capital and adopt some kind of stated capital, all of this reform measures lack of contracts and economic logic, nor accord to China' s cultural. We hope that in the process of the rule of law, the less of such a farce the world would be better.
作者 蒋大兴
机构地区 北京大学法学院
出处 《中国法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期136-158,共23页 China Legal Science
基金 2014年最高人民法院司法调研重点项目"关于注册资本登记制度改革与公司诉讼问题的调研"的阶段性成果(该课题主持人为江苏省高级人民法院何方副院长 北京大学法学院蒋大兴教授)
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