
自由间接言语的语义两面性和叙事双声性 被引量:6

On the Semantic and Rhetorical Ambivalence of Free Indirect Speech
摘要 本文从形式上的不确定性和语义语用上的双重性对自由间接言语进行了分析,认为虽然人们通常把自由间接言语视为一种介于直接言语和间接言语之间的转述形式,但是其形式充满了不确定性,在语篇中判断是否自由间接言语主要应参照其语境上下文。在语义和语用功能上,自由间接言语在语义和语用功能上也有其独特之处。除了经常提到的讽刺效果和即时感,在新闻语篇中其两面性和即时性经常被用于掩饰其转述特征,以利于转述者将一种观点表述为一个事实。 This article is an analysis of the formal, semantic and pragmatic ambivalence and indeterminacy of free indirect speech (FIS). Though it has been generally accepted that FIS is a speech reporting form that bears some resemblance both to direct speech and indirect speech, it does not have a definite stable set of formal features and we often have to rely on contextual clues to determine its status as FIS. FIS also has its unique feature, in terms of semantic and pragmatic function. In addition to the oftenmentioned functions of producing an ironic effect and a sense of immediacy, its ambivalence and indeterminacy are often exploited,especially in news reporting,so that it may masquerade as the narrator's (or reporter's) speech to convey an attitude or opinion as if it was a fact.
作者 辛斌
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期1-5,15,共6页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 "江苏高校优势学科建设工程二期项目"的研究成果(优势学科代码:20140901) 国家社会科学基金项目"汉英报纸新闻中转述言语的语篇和语用功能比较研究"(项目编号:11BYY116)的阶段性成果
关键词 自由间接言语 两面性 语义 修辞 free indirect speech ambivalence semantic rhetorical
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