
新N_1N_2构式语义建构的认知研究 被引量:3

A Cognitive Study of the Semantic Construction of New N1N2 Constructions
摘要 针对传统研究主要关注常规N_1N_2复合词内部语义关系的静态描写之不足,本文以汉语非常规的新N_1N_2构式为研究对象,深入分析了该类构式动态的语义建构过程并为其创建了语义建构模型。在该模型中,投射与突显是语义建构的基础,压制与匹配是语义建构的关键。通过投射,事件域中原本不起眼或并不常见的属性特征或结构关系被突显出来,符号化为N_1和N_2。N_1和N_2中与构式义相关联的语义特征在构式与词汇双向互动的压制下得到突显。然后,通过与事件域背景知识的匹配,冲突的语义部分开始相互协调并达到语义和谐,从而实现对新N_1N_2构式的语义建构。 Traditional approaches to N1N2 compounds mainly focus on the static description of the semantic relationships of common N1 N2 compounds. To make up for the above mentioned shortcomings, this paper alms at analyzing the dynamic process of semantic construction of unconventional and new Chinese N1 N2 constructions and creating a new model for them. In this model, projection and salience are the basis of semantic construction, and coercion and matching are the key process of semantic construction. By means of projection, the attributive characteristics or structural relations in the event-domain, originally less conspicuous or prominent, are highlighted and symbolized by N1 and N2. Under the interactive coercion between construction and lexicon, the two nouns' semantic features that are related to the construction become salient. Then by matching with the background knowledge of the event-domain, the conflicting semantic elements start to be coordinated and become harmonious, and the meaning of the new N1 N2 constructions are constructed.
作者 刘晓环 王军
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期11-15,共5页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 2013年国家社科基金项目"基于概念匹配 释义与连通的衔接功能语用研究"(项目编号:13BYY149)的阶段性成果
关键词 N1N2构式 投射与突显 压制与匹配 语义建构 N1 N2 constructions projection and salience coercion and matching semantic construction
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