
口笔译一体化教学模式的实验探索 被引量:9

An Experimental Study of an Integrated Model of Interpreting and Translation Training
摘要 本文探讨笔译训练对口译学习的作用。对不同口译人员实施多类型笔译训练的实验表明:1)笔译训练对口译学习效果的影响较显著;2)整体而言,笔译训练越符合口译操作特点,对口译学习的促进作用越明显;3)笔译训练对口译学习效果的影响呈现阶段性特点,口译学习经验越丰富,笔译训练对内化翻译技能的作用越明显,对口译学习效果的促进作用也越突出。这一实验结果支持口笔译一体化教学模式的探索与改革,有助于我们客观认识翻译转换的普遍性,改进口译教法和教材编写。 By conducting different kinds of written translation exercises in interpreting class, the present research comes to the following conclusions: 1 ) written translation exercises exert explicit effect on interpreting learning results ;2) generally, the more consistent the written translation exercises are with interpreting practice, the greater effect the former will produce on the latter; 3 ) written translation exercises' effect on interpreting learning features a phase-based variation, namely, the more experienced the interpreting learners are, the more significant role the written translation exercises will play in internali- zing the learners' translation skills, thus more noticeable impact on their interpreting learning. These data-based findings can be of inspiration for such topics as universal features in transferring of various modes (written or oral), a teaching model integrating interpreting with written translation exercise ,and some reforms in interpreting textbooks compilation.
作者 张威 王克非
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期56-62,共7页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 国家社科基金一般项目"中国口译学习者语料库的研制与应用"(项目编号:12BYY062) 全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项资金资助项目"大型汉英/英汉口译语料库的创建及应用研究"(项目编号:201014) 北京外国语大学本科教学改革项目"翻译学术写作" 北京外国语大学基本科研业务费资助项目的资助
关键词 笔译训练 口译学习 一体化教学 written translation training interpreting learning integrated model of interpreting and written translation training
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