
AquaCrop作物模型在黄土塬区夏玉米生产中的适用性评价 被引量:10

Applicable evaluation of crop model AquaCrop for summer maize production in Loess Plateau Region
摘要 为评价Aqua Crop作物模型在黄土塬区的适用性,基于Hsiao等人推荐的玉米参数对模型参数进行调试及验证。在陕西长武地区模拟2003、2004、2005、2007、2008、2010年玉米生育期内生物量、蒸发蒸腾量的变化过程及收获时产量、地上部生物量,将模拟值与收集到的实测值进行对比、分析。结果表明,这6年模拟产量与实测产量间的校正决定系数(Adj)R2为0.9270,相对误差在-2.479至11.182之间;模拟地上部生物量与实测地上部生物量间的Adj.R2为0.7842,模型对产量的模拟效果优于对生物量的模拟;2005年和2008年模拟蒸散量与实测蒸散量间的Adj.R2分别为0.6229和0.7973。模拟效果较好,对黄土塬区夏玉米水分优化管理模拟有重要意义。 In order to evaluate its applicability of crop model Aqua Crop in Loess Plateau Region,the model parameters were revised and validated based on the summer maize parameters recommended by Hsiao et al. The biomass in the maize growing season,the change procedure of evapotranspiration,harvest yield and aboveground biomass in 2003,2004,2005,2007,2008 and 2010 in Changwu Region of the Shaanxi Province have been simulated,and carried out the comparison and analysis for the simulated with measured data. The results were showed that: In the six years,the adjusted determination coefficient Adj.R2 for simulated yield data and measured yield data was 0. 9270,the relative error was between- 2. 479 to 11. 182. The Adj. R2 for simulated and measured aboveground biomass was 0.7842. In this model,the effect of simulating yield was better than the aboveground biomass. In 2005 and 2008,the Adj.R2 for simulated and measured evapotranspiration were 0.6229 and 0.7973,respectively. Therefore,this model has a good simulation effect and important significance for the next optimal water management of summer maize in Loess Plateau Region.
出处 《干旱地区农业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期40-45,共6页 Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas
基金 国家863计划课题"作物生境过程模拟与动态优化决策技术"(2013AA102904)
关键词 AquaCrop模型 夏玉米 产量 生物量 蒸散量 作物生产力 AquaCrop model summer maize yield biomass evapotranspiration crop productivity
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