
中国城市规模格局的合理性评价 被引量:8

Rationality Assessment of Chinese Urban Scale Structure Pattern
摘要 从城市的外部规模体系与内部规模效率相结合的角度切入,构建中国城市规模结构格局合理性评价模型,对中国县级以上城市规模格局的合理性进行综合评价。结果显示,全国城市体系等级健全,城市规模结构呈现"中间略大、低端偏小"的较合理金字塔格局,其中西部地区的城市规模等级结构优于中东部地区;全国城市规模体系结构合理,中等合理以上的省份占90.32%;城市规模效率整体合理,中等合理以上的城市占77.17%;全国城市规模格局基本合理,中等合理以上水平的城市占85.54%。其中高合理城市占18.57%,集中在华南、黄河中上游、东北中南部和新疆西部地区;较高合理城市占55.56%,分布在成渝、长江中游、长三角、中原地区、环渤海、辽东南和沿陇海线地区;中等合理城市占11.42%,分布在珠三角、东部中部、长江中上游和新疆南部;低合理性城市占12.48%,分布在安徽、内蒙古、山东半岛外围和长三角外围地区;不合理性城市占1.98%,集中在安徽、青海和西藏地区。 The content of urban scale structure shall extend to contain the urban external system structure and the urban internal scale, the rationality of which is directly related to the functioning of urban system and urban competitiveness. The assessment model on rationality of Chinese urban scale pattern structure is constructed based on the integrated consideration of urban scale system structure in the regional context and the scale efficiency of a single city to assess the rationality of the scale structure pattern for Chinese cities above the county level. The result shows, the national urban scale hierarchy system is sound with the relatively rational "pyramid pattern" of scale structure featured by ' middle-scale larger' and ' low-scale slightly smaller', of which the western region is better than that of the eastern and central regions. The national urban scale system structure is basically rational with the proportion of provinces of medium level of rationality amounting to 90.32%. The overall urban scale efficiency is rational with the proportion of cities of medium level of rationality amounting to 77.17%. It's finally concluded that the national urban scale structure is basically rational with the proportion of cities of medium level of rationality amounting to 85.54%. The proportion of cities of high level of rationality amounts to 18.57%, most of which are distributed in the the southern region, the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River, the middle-south of northeastern region and the eastern region of Xinjiang. The proportion of cities of relatively high level of rationality amounts to 55.56%. The cities are mainly distributed in Sichuan and Chongqing, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Delta region, the Pearl River Delta region, the Central Plain region, and in the region covering three northeastern provinces, in the southwestern area and in the areas along the Euro-asian Continental Bridge. The proportion of cities of medium level of rationality amounts to 34.55% with the "large-scale dispersion and small-scale agglomeration" pattern, mainly distributed in the areas along the Pearl River Delta region, middle-eastern region, lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the southern part of Xinjiang Province. The proportion of cities of low-level rationality amounts to 12.48%, mainly distributed in Anhui, Inner Mongolia, the surrounding regions of Shandong Peninsula region and Yangtze River Delta. The proportion of cities of irrational structure is 9.13% with the prominent feature of agglomeration, mainly distributed in Anhui, Qinghai and Tibet.
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期121-128,共8页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国土资源部公益性行业科研专项经费项目"新型城镇化的区域国土空间利用质量提升技术"(编号:201411014)
关键词 城市规模结构 合理性 Zipf’s法则 urban scale structure rationality Zipf's Law
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