
BDS用户设备的电磁兼容现状及进展 被引量:1

Status and Progress of EMC of BDS User Equipment
摘要 针对BDS用户设备与其邻频系统的电磁兼容问题,提出BDS用户设备电磁敏感度优化和BDS业务保护相结合的解决途径。针对内部诱因要素——BDS用户设备电磁敏感,设计合理可行的电磁敏感度优化方案,尽可能优化BDS用户设备电磁敏感度;针对外部诱因要素——邻频系统电磁辐射,制定贴切直观的BDS业务保护要求,给予BDS用户设备具备规范性效力的基本保护。BDS用户设备电磁敏感度的显著优化以及BDS业务保护要求的付诸实施,可较彻底解决BDS用户设备的电磁兼容问题。 As for the EMC problem of Beidou user equipment with adjacent-band systems, this paper put forward the means of Beidou user equipment optimizing and Beidou system service protecting. As for the inner inducement, namely Beidou user equipment is susceptible to electromagnetic, the technical scheme is designed to optimize its electromagnetic susceptibility considerably. As for the outer inducement, that is, many electromagnetic interference sources of adjacent-band systems, the service protection requirement is determined to accord protection primarily. By the above means, the EMC problem of Beidou user equipment can be solved thoroughly.
作者 李琳 谭述森
出处 《导航定位学报》 2015年第4期1-6,共6页 Journal of Navigation and Positioning
关键词 卫星导航系统 电磁兼容 电磁兼容性 电磁敏感度 电磁干扰 satellite navigation system electromagnetic compatible (EMC) electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) electromagnetic susceptibility (EMS) electromagnetic interference (EMI)
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